Sunday, November 2, 2014

Healing is Already Yours!

As I was typing the following excerpt that Tim and I used to help us renew our minds, and help us believe that healing already belonged to us, I was thinking.....this almost sounds like "works".

There was a time when I thought that I had a part to play in getting my healing. Before I learned that healing is a gift already given to me through Christ. I guess that was a way of renewing my mind. I just don't want anyone to think there is a "formula" to get what Christ died to give us.

With that said, here is a "Healing Tool" that Tim and I used to claim our healing. I believe it came off of Joyce Meyer's website, and had several pages of healing scriptures. It was years ago, and she has since updated her material. At the time, I just googled "healing scriptures", and found this post to be the most helpful.

Tim had a lung collapse five years ago, and I have fought with fibromyalgia and depression over the years. Tim had 20% lung capacity then, and has 80% now. I was on many prescription medications over the years, and was able to stop them all. The devil is a liar, and you were given the gift of healing at the cross. Use God's Word to renew your mind, and believe and receive what Christ died to give you! Enjoy!

Proverbs 4:20-22 says, "My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. FOR THEY ARE  LIFE TO THOSE WHO FIND THEM, AND HEALTH TO ALL THEIR FLESH."

The Hebrew word for "health" in verse 22 is "medicine". God's Word is medicine to all our flesh. Isaac Leeser's translation of Exodus 15:26 reads, "I the Lord am thy physician." The medicine He prescribes in His Word.

Many make the mistake of substituting belief in healing for the actual taking of God's medicine, His Word. They say, "I believe in healing" without actually taking the medicine. What good would it do to believe in food if you didn't eat it? You would starve. What good would it do you to believe in water if you didn;t actually drink any? You would die of thirst.

God's Word is His MEDICINE. There are several parallels between God's medicine and natural medicine. First, God's Word is a healing agent just as natural medicine is a healing agent or catalyst. In other words, the medicine itself contains the capacity to produce healing. God's Word contains inherent within it the capacity--the energy, the ability, and the nature to effect healing in your body.

Psalm 107:20 He sent His Word,and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction

Proverbs 4:22 For they (His Words) are life to those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

Isaiah 55:10 The Word of God will accomplish what it was sent out to do.

The Word itself contains the power to produce what it says, just as when God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Healing Scriptures contain within them the capacity to produce healing.

Hebrews 4:12 The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing assunder of soul and spirit.

THE KEY to partaking of the life and healing energy in the Word is FEEDING ON IT until it penetrates your Spirit where it deposits that life and energy.

Secondly, we might say that medicine is no respector of persons. It will work for anyone who takes it. It is not a matter of God willing or not willing to heal any individual, but whether or not the individual will RECEIVE healing by TAKING THE MEDICINE that produces it.

Thirdly, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, medicine must be taken according to the directions to be effective. Some medicine labels read, "Take internally"; or others say "Take externally." To rub it on your body externally when the directions say to take it internally will not work. To take it after meals when the directions say take it before meals will reduce its effectiveness. To take it once in a while when the directions say three times a day will mean limited results, if any. NO MATTER HOW GOOD THE MEDICINE IS, it must be taken according to the directions, or it won't work. So it is with God's medicine. It must be taken according to the directions to work. The directions for taking God's medicine are found in:

Proverbs 4:20,21 Attend to them, incline your ear to them, don't let them depart from before your eyes, and keep them in the midst of your heart.

You might say attending to them, inclining your ear to them, and keeping them before your eyes causes them to get in the midst of your heart. Notice this--it is only as they get in the midst of your heart and stay there that they produce healing in your body. Head knowledge won't do. They are going to have to penetrate to your spirit through attending, hearing, looking, muttering and pondering to produce healing in your body. But once they do penetrate, they will SURELY bring health to all your flesh.

Get a list of healing scriptures and feed on them several times a day. Repeat them over and over again to yourself. The medicine itself will work if it will get inside you.

Fourthly, remember that it takes time for medicine to work. Most people give natural medicine a lot of time and patience and money to work. They take the prescription back for refills and more refills. They are diligent about it. They don't just take one dose and expect a miracle. Keep taking God's medicine. Give it time to work.

Now take  your medicine! Say healing scriptures to yourself. Think on what you are saying in your heart. Use them in praise to the Father. His Word is medicine to all your flesh.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

You are dead!

Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

Are you struggling with sin and obedience today? Or are you trusting what Jesus has done for you on the Cross, and in his death, burial and resurrection? I have good news for you today, my friend!
YOU ARE DEAD TO SIN! That's what the bible says! The bible tells us NOT to let sin reign in your mortal body.....but it also tells us HOW.
In Romans 6, it says to offer yourself as an instrument of righteousness! Not only are we instruments of righteousness, the Word of God says we are SLAVES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. You were once a slave to sin. When Jesus died, your "old man" also died. Anyone who has died, has been set free from sin. It is no longer you that lives, but Christ in you that lives! That's very good news my friend. We are counted righteous because of His gift of righteousness. Not anything that we have done, or can do. We can't add anything to it. He gave us righteousness as a gift! We have been set free from the slavery of sin. You are now a slave of righteousness. Meditate on that for a moment.
YOU ARE A NEW CREATION! Sin is no longer your master. Because of what Jesus did for us, we are no longer under the law, but under grace. We are not obedient because the law says we have to be obedient, but we are obedient because when Jesus died, and gave us the gift of His righteousness, we were so grateful, that we longer wanted to sin against God! And as we allow Him to live and love through us, we change from the inside out. We are ALIVE IN HIM.

God loved us so much that He gave us His one and only Son, to die for us. In our place. He knew we couldn't keep the law in our own strength. So He provided a sacrificial lamb for us. JESUS. Won't you walk in the favor and blessings God meant for us to have today? Won't you trust in the finished work of the Cross today, and thank God for sending His son to be the reconciliation between God and man?

My passion and desire is to help you get to know who you really are, and why you are here. Here is more information on our inheritance. I will be offering lots of material as I begin to write and share the exciting good news of the gospel of grace. Please be sure to visit me on Twitter and Facebook or hit one of the share buttons below to share this information with friends. Check back often or subscribe to my blog for a wealth of life changing information. Comment on this blog if you have any suggestions for topics that you would like to see covered! I VALUE  YOUR FEEDBACK, and I want to be able to help you with the important things in life!

He Promised!

What are you believing for today? Your children to come back to the Lord? To kick a habit? To pay off your debt? To be healed of a disease?

If you have given your life to Jesus, all these things are already yours!

We have been grafted into the New Covenant by Jesus taking all our sins and punishment when He died on the cross. Not only did He bear all of our sins, but He was resurrected, and is seated in Heavenly places with God. What does that mean for us, as a believer?

It means that you are now a son or daughter of God! The bible says you are hidden in Christ. When God looks at you, He sees Jesus! Jesus was our sacrifice once and for all. No more sacrificing of lambs. He is our redemption, our healing, our Lord, our Father. His blood was payment for you to have all the blessings and promises offered in the New Covenant.

Because you are hidden in Him, the devil has no power over you. He sees Jesus, and runs the other way.

You might be thinking, if this is true, then why am I not seeing  results in these areas?

Even though it's a done deal, and His promises are always yes, and amen, you do have a part to play. Your part is to BELIEVE and to RECEIVE the truth that it's already yours in Him!

The bible says that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus is the Word of God! God loves you so much that He gave up His son to be your sacrificial lamb! He did it because He loves you! He planned this before you were even formed in your mother's womb!

The bible (which is Jesus) is full of God's promises to us from beginning to end. You can find Jesus in EVERY BOOK of the bible, carefully hidden away as a treasure that we are to hunt down, find, and receive. (More on that in another post!) Everything blessing that was promised to Abraham, is now for us! We are heirs to the PROMISE!

Whatever you are facing in life, Jesus said He would be there with you! There are promises in His Word for every trial and circumstance you are facing. He said there would be trouble in this world, but you are not going through it alone! Lay hold of your promises!

When hardship or cares come upon you, check your concordance in the back of your bible. There are promises there that you can declare over your situation. Jesus said to "cast your cares", because He cares for you! Whenever a care arises, CAST IT! Don't let it have dominion over your thoughts. As soon as you feel a concern, say, "Jesus take this care!" Look up verses and speak them over your situation.

God's Word is alive and powerful, and full of promises. Use it as the tool it was meant to be for you! He wants you to live right, but it all starts with right believing! Renew your mind, and start taking hold of God's promises for you in your life!


My passion and desire is to help you get to know who you really are, and why you are here. Here is more information on our inheritance
. I will be offering lots of material as I begin to write and share the exciting good news of the gospel of grace. Please be sure to visit me on Twitter and Facebook or hit one of the share buttons below to share this information with friends. Check back often or subscribe to my blog for a wealth of life changing information. Comment on this blog if you have any suggestions for topics that you would like to see covered! I VALUE  YOUR FEEDBACK, and I want to be able to help you with the important things in life!

What Does God think?

In contemplating what God thinks about me, I turn back to scripture and I find these marvelous truths:

In John 3:16, we find that God loves us.

God is madly in love with you! He loves THE WORLD so much that He GAVE HIS ONLY SON. For me, and for you. Our part is only to have faith and BELIEVE that He loves us. That is the part we struggle with. That the creator of the universe LOVES US! He wants to hang out and be our FATHER!

In Psalm 139, we find that God made us.

You were God's idea. Psalm 139 also says that He knows us and that He is with us ALWAYS. And we are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Read the whole chapter. Ephesians 2 says we are His workmanship, and God doesn't make mistakes. You are His masterpiece! It also says that in the ages to come he would show the exceeding riches of His grace in kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. It sounds like He wants to be kind and gracious to us.

1John 2:2 , we find that His Son died for us.

And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. Jesus, who knew no sin, BECAME sin for us. For the whole world.  He also took on all sickness and disease at the Cross. He did it for you. A very pretty price was paid on your behalf. If you didn't matter why would God waste His Son on you? Think about that for a moment.

In Jeremiah 29:11, God says He has a plan for you.

A lot of people struggle with what they are supposed to be doing with their life. God made you, and He put those dreams in your heart from the beginning. Never give up on your dreams. You have a purpose, and you were designed with specific gifts. If we could just do what we love to do, follow our hearts and our dreams, and trust the Lord to work through us, instead of trying to figure everything out on our own, we would be so much better off. We are jars of clay, designed to rest and be filled with the Holy Spirit who works through us. 2 Cor. 4:7 says that we possess this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in earthen vessels. Rest and trust; and listen to the promptings from the Lord, and you will be amazed at where He leads you.

Let's practice getting these promises in our minds, and especially in our hearts.

He LOVES YOU! And there's not a thing you can do except BELIEVE and receive IT!


My passion and desire is to help you get to know who you really are, and why you are here. Here is more information on our inheritance. I will be offering lots of material as I begin to write and share the exciting good news of the gospel of grace. Please be sure to visit me on Twitter and Facebook or hit one of the share buttons below to share this information with friends. Check back often or subscribe to my blog for a wealth of life changing information. Comment on this blog if you have any suggestions for topics that you would like to see covered! I VALUE  YOUR FEEDBACK, and I want to be able to help you with the important things in life!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

GRACE....What does it look like?

As my heart is getting more and more established in God's unconditional love and grace for us, I am getting more and more free....

What does that look or feel like?

Joy in my heart, a skip in my step, freedom from life long bondages, healing in my body, passion for His people, the will to "surrender all" (all worry, all control, all the things I think I need), the w
ill to search out more truth.

 Kind of sounds like "fruits of the Spirit"....

I see God everywhere Disney movies, in secular music....He is revealing His heart to His people, even without their knowledge....I LOVE IT!

This song came to me this morning....."I'm so excited....and I just can't hide it....I'm about to lose control, and I think I like it!" God is so funny! My "thing" forever has been to "control". Situations, people, you name it. Well, I think me losing "control" is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

God's love for you will cause PERMANENT CHANGE in your thoughts and behaviors!

It's so freeing to "surrender" all control to silly we are to think we can control anything in the first place!

There was a point in my life when I was a control freak. I thought that I had to fix everyone and everything. Some people call this codependency. I call it insanity now. Now that I am able to rest in the finished work that Jesus and God accomplished on the cross, I realize that it's not my job to change anyone or anything. I just love them and pray for them and let God do his work. I have found such a freedom in this way of life. Why don't you join me today in giving it all to God and letting him work out all the details? He knew about this problem or this person from the beginning! He is the beginning and the end.

 Thanks for listening friends!  LOVE YOU ALL!

Thanks for reading, and PLEASE COMMENT BELOW. I want your feedback, and I want to know how this helped you in a current situation! What struck you the most about this post? If you feel this information would benefit others, please feel free to SHARE with others by hitting one of the share buttons below.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

F.R.O.G. Fully Rely on God

A trademark is born! TOADALLY MEDIA is here! God is good all the time, and he has a sense of humor as well!

I all started in February, when I started asking the Lord, what plans He has for me. As I have waited and listened for His still small voice inside me, He has taken me on a journey I will never forget! The first thing I heard was that the solar yard lights door is closing. It has been a great twelve years of creating, and meeting and sharing with all God's beautiful people at the Farmer's Markets and Craft Shows. If you have known me any length of time, you have seen the solar yard lights that my husband and I  have made for the past decade.

The next nudge I felt, was to build an e-commerce store to put all my jewelry and art projects on. So earlier this month, that door opened. As I have been marketing my store and making a presence for myself on the internet, I felt the Lord whispering in my ear. "Tammy, you can do this for others. You need to think about sharing your expertise in marketing and social media with others." So as I worked on my store, my brand, and my networking on all the social media platforms out there, the light bulb came on.

I know so  many people that are talented, artistic, speakers, writers, bloggers etc., that I really began to sense that the Lord was all over this. So last week, as I contemplated over all the "names" I could call myself as a Social Media Expert in training, it seemed every time I thought of a name, when I did the research, it was already taken! So, I put that on the back burner, and went onto writing up my first contract with my first client.

For some reason the word "FROG" kept coming up in my spirit. I didn't have a clue why, and didn't see a connection yet.

So, yesterday, my friend posts a photo on my face book page of a cute little animated tree frog with sunglasses, with this message: "Positive Mental Attitude.....I'm Positive, I'm Mental, and I know I have Attitude!" She made a comment that it reminded her of me. So I reply, "That's TOADALLY me!" And that's when it hit me.....TOADALLY MEDIA! So now the light bulb has come on, and the bells and whistles are blowing! That's it! I got my name! I messaged my friend privately, explaining all this to her, and she reminded me of the acronym for "FROG".....FULLY RELY ON GOD! By this time, I'm jumping up and down and shouting!

I immediately got on the internet, did the research, and found the name was available!  I then found some free tree frog photos, and began to design my business card. And so, Toadally Media is born! I give all the glory to the Lord.

It just goes to show you, that you can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST who STRENGTHENS YOU! We just need to trust, listen and be thankful! He will make your dreams come to pass, friend!
Won't you give a shout of PRAISE to Him this day, rest and rely on Him, and give Him all the glory? Hallelujah!

Thanks for reading, and PLEASE COMMENT BELOW. I want your feedback, and I want to know how this helped you in a current situation! What struck you the most about this post? If you feel this information would benefit others, please feel free to SHARE with others by hitting one of the share buttons below.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

Are you struggling with sin and obedience today? Or are you trusting what Jesus has done for you on the Cross, and in his death, burial and resurrection? I have good news for you today, my friend!
YOU ARE DEAD TO SIN! That's what the bible says! The bible tells us NOT to let sin reign in your mortal body.....but it also tells us HOW.
In Romans 6, it says to offer yourself as an instrument of righteousness! Not only are we instruments of righteousness, the Word of God says we are SLAVES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. You were once a slave to sin. When Jesus died, your "old man" also died. Anyone who has died, has been set free from sin. It is no longer you that lives, but Christ in you that lives! That's very good news my friend. We are counted righteous because of His gift of righteousness. Not anything that we have done, or can do. We can't add anything to it. He gave us righteousness as a gift! We have been set free from the slavery of sin. You are now a slave of righteousness. Meditate on that for a moment.
YOU ARE A NEW CREATION! Sin is no longer your master. Because of what Jesus did for us, we are no longer under the law, but under grace. We are not obedient because the law says we have to be obedient, but we are obedient because when Jesus died, and gave us the gift of His righteousness, we were so grateful, that we longer wanted to sin against God! And as we allow Him to live and love through us, we change from the inside out. We are ALIVE IN HIM.

God loved us so much that He gave us His one and only Son, to die for us. In our place. He knew we couldn't keep the law in our own strength. So He provided a sacrificial lamb for us. JESUS. Won't you walk in the favor and blessings God meant for us to have today? Won't you trust in the finished work of the Cross today, and thank God for sending His son to be the reconciliation between God and man?

Thanks for reading, and PLEASE COMMENT BELOW. I want your feedback, and I want to know how this helped you in a current situation! What struck you the most about this post? If you feel this information would benefit others, please feel free to SHARE with others by hitting one of the share buttons below.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


We were not meant to be beasts of burden....we were meant to rest! It is a huge part of trusting in the Lord! We can rest when we are secure in His finished work. In His death, burial and resurrection, He gave us EVERYTHING we need to live our lives through Him in us. We are wonderfully made and called according to His purposes. When we surrender and give our cares to Him is when we walk in true joy and happiness. He chose us, and appointed us, and has plans for us. Have faith in His finished work! FAITH IS A REST!
Matthew 11:28-29 Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you WILL FIND REST for your weary souls."

Hebrews 4:10-11 For he that is entered into His rest, he also hath CEASED FROM HIS OWN WORKS, as God did from His. Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

Jesus said to LABOR to enter into that rest! That must mean that our default mode is to be self righteous and self sufficient. Won't you believe that He wants you to cast your cares on Him today, and stop trying save yourself?

Thanks for reading, and PLEASE COMMENT BELOW. I want your feedback, and I want to know how this helped you in a current situation! What struck you the most about this post? If you feel this information would benefit others, please feel free to SHARE with others by hitting one of the share buttons below.

Friday, March 7, 2014


I recently got a word from the Lord about the direction in which I am to go. I asked Him, "Lord, am I really supposed to write a book? Is this really Your will for me? I am not qualified, but I will do as you say, Lord." A while later I felt impressed with these thoughts...."FEED MY SHEEP. Pull yourself away from all the distractions, and discipline yourself." WOW! We are so quick to disqualify God's plan for our lives as our own thoughts. It's so funny how the enemy tries to steal away our dreams which are God inspired. Well, beloved, don't believe those lies for one minute! Once we are saved, we have a brand new heart, and we can TRUST the promptings of our heart because God DWELLS IN US and He LEADS US FROM WITHIN! As a matter of fact, it is actually God Himself that put those desires and thoughts in our mind in the first place! Beloved, YOU ARE COMPETENT! Don't let the devil steal your dreams and disqualify you! 2 Cor. 3:6 He has made me competent as a minister of the new covenant—of the Spirit. The Spirit gives life. Lord, thank you that I AM COMPETENT because your spirit is within me.

Thanks for reading, and PLEASE COMMENT BELOW. I want your feedback, and I want to know how this helped you in a current situation! What struck you the most about this post? If you feel this information would benefit others, please feel free to SHARE with others by hitting one of the share buttons below.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

UNDER CONSTRUCTION.....coming soon!

So, I am finally building a business around my gifts and talents. Been working very hard on branding and social media aspects, tying everything together. I am getting ready to launch a new product. Stay tuned!  Be sure to be on the look out! Eternal Treasures Art!