Saturday, March 22, 2014

F.R.O.G. Fully Rely on God

A trademark is born! TOADALLY MEDIA is here! God is good all the time, and he has a sense of humor as well!

I all started in February, when I started asking the Lord, what plans He has for me. As I have waited and listened for His still small voice inside me, He has taken me on a journey I will never forget! The first thing I heard was that the solar yard lights door is closing. It has been a great twelve years of creating, and meeting and sharing with all God's beautiful people at the Farmer's Markets and Craft Shows. If you have known me any length of time, you have seen the solar yard lights that my husband and I  have made for the past decade.

The next nudge I felt, was to build an e-commerce store to put all my jewelry and art projects on. So earlier this month, that door opened. As I have been marketing my store and making a presence for myself on the internet, I felt the Lord whispering in my ear. "Tammy, you can do this for others. You need to think about sharing your expertise in marketing and social media with others." So as I worked on my store, my brand, and my networking on all the social media platforms out there, the light bulb came on.

I know so  many people that are talented, artistic, speakers, writers, bloggers etc., that I really began to sense that the Lord was all over this. So last week, as I contemplated over all the "names" I could call myself as a Social Media Expert in training, it seemed every time I thought of a name, when I did the research, it was already taken! So, I put that on the back burner, and went onto writing up my first contract with my first client.

For some reason the word "FROG" kept coming up in my spirit. I didn't have a clue why, and didn't see a connection yet.

So, yesterday, my friend posts a photo on my face book page of a cute little animated tree frog with sunglasses, with this message: "Positive Mental Attitude.....I'm Positive, I'm Mental, and I know I have Attitude!" She made a comment that it reminded her of me. So I reply, "That's TOADALLY me!" And that's when it hit me.....TOADALLY MEDIA! So now the light bulb has come on, and the bells and whistles are blowing! That's it! I got my name! I messaged my friend privately, explaining all this to her, and she reminded me of the acronym for "FROG".....FULLY RELY ON GOD! By this time, I'm jumping up and down and shouting!

I immediately got on the internet, did the research, and found the name was available!  I then found some free tree frog photos, and began to design my business card. And so, Toadally Media is born! I give all the glory to the Lord.

It just goes to show you, that you can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST who STRENGTHENS YOU! We just need to trust, listen and be thankful! He will make your dreams come to pass, friend!
Won't you give a shout of PRAISE to Him this day, rest and rely on Him, and give Him all the glory? Hallelujah!

Thanks for reading, and PLEASE COMMENT BELOW. I want your feedback, and I want to know how this helped you in a current situation! What struck you the most about this post? If you feel this information would benefit others, please feel free to SHARE with others by hitting one of the share buttons below.

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